Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Act of Kindness Tuesday

The other day I read a post on my Friend's Facebook page that really bothered me.
She had witnessed a Mother holding a storefront door open for her son.
As he walked in he turned and said to his Mother, "Bros before Hos."
Not only did this child just call him Mother a whore but he never bothered to say "Thank you."

As I was researching and reading up on how to teach kindness to our children, this book was suggested by a Waldorf parent in one of my favorite "Mommy Blogs."

This book is called Puri The True Story by Robin Craig Clark.

It is about a family that while on vacation in Bali find and befriend a pregnant dog that they name Puri. Their act of kindness to this homeless animal creates and builds a lasting and positive friendship with the family and eventually Puri's adoptive family. It is beautifully illustrated that warms the heart.

As parents our actions speak louder then words. We are responsible as parents to model the kind behaviors we want our children to carry on. Modeling random acts of kindness in front of children will also inspire them to show kindness.

I recommend Puri The True Story and you can find it on Amazon here.

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