Monday, April 23, 2012

Manic Monday- When Did Children become a Burden?

I was about to complain about our crazy weather here in East San Diego County. This weekend was gorgeous with full sun and temperatures ranging from 71 F to 90 F degrees. I am actually sunburned from this weekend. Now, it is rainy and barely 63F degrees.
Google Blogger has revamped, yet again, their Blogger and when I went to post today's post I was transferred to my Dashboard.  On my Dashboard is the list of the other Google Bloggers I follow.

One of my favorites is Plain and Joyful. Check out Tonya's blog here.  It is about a family in the wilds of Vermont living out their dream. They are an inspiration to me.
The other day Tonya, the Mom/Blogger of Plain and Joyful posted this sad but thought provoking post. You can read it here.

Tonya asked, "When Did Children Become a Burden?" 

We have become so de-sensitive from the media and advertisements around us that we tend to miss the subliminal messages in the advertisements. When I was studying Human Behavior a course I took was on advertisements. It is an ugly world that is full of people with little or no conscious. Advertisers purposely play on the heart strings and nerves of the American psyche.

Rudolf Steiner does warn in his anthroposophical philosophy about becoming too materialistic. This question from Tonya really hits home that concern.  It is assuring to me to know there are other Mothers with the same beliefs as I do.

Children are our future. They should be raised in love and happiness. They are not burdens!

Bless Bless

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