Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Random Act of Kindness- Awesome Example

I love how so many parents and educators put their creative hats on to develop awesome and fun ways to encourage and teach Randoms Act of Kindness to our children. 

I would like to share this wonderful blog spot by:

Collaboration, Creativity, Caring & Community

If I could figure out how to add their button to this site I would, but instead enjoy it from here. 

Kindness, Generosity + Emotional Intelligence. This title caught my eye. Emotional Intelligence?? 

Teaching kindness builds our children's, and also within ourselves, an emotional intelligence. There are many esoteric reasons why this works but I am a practical Viking Mommy. I want to see it in actions.


So, please follow the link to Kindness, Generosity+Emotional Intelligence and see examples on how teachers and parents are encouraging Random Acts of Kindness. 

I love the idea that Pre-Schoolers and Kindergartens believe that showing kindness means DOING the act with a friend. Why does it have to stop? Can we continue that act with our friends?

I think I am going to start my own Kindness Wreath. 

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