This topic has become an international hot topic in the recent days. I am not surprised. I am also encouraged to see the out pouring of support from people around the world, every age demographic, business (large and small) and individuals stepping up and saying NO!
The websites for the California senators and congresspeople actually crashed last night by the heavy load. Awesome!
I want to share the discussion I had with several friends last night on this topic. Last fall several of us in the historical re-enactment community were severely plagiarized by an editor of a food magazine/blog. When it was discovered that this editor had plagiarized us it went viral. By the end of the week it was discovered that she had plagiarized Paula Deen, NPR, and the Food Network. My own book that she plagiarized from took me five years to write. You can say I was pissed off. The other SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) blogger uses her historical food blog as a teaching tool and is passion. She was beyond angry. The Offending Editor didn't even apologize and her attitude was since our information was on the World Wide Web it was public and free to take. Um No!
While I agree the laws for copywrite and piracy laws need to be strengthen to protect sites like ours and others similar this shouldn't be example or excuse for censorship. Let me say this again..... NO TO CENSORSHIP!!!
It becomes a very slippery slope.

Bless Bless